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Gift yourself time

For many, Christmas is a time synonymous with a jam-packed social calendar, the hustle and bustle of buying and wrapping gifts for an ever-extending family, writing Christmas cards for a list longer than your arm, and preparing enough food to cater for a small nation.

What we often forget to include on our ‘to-do’ lists, is some time to focus on ourselves. This may sound far-fetched, however, in a recent survey commissioned by Google, 22% of Brit’s claimed that not having enough ‘me’ time at Christmas resulted in stress. With this in mind, 'me' time is something that should be prioritised so that we all get the most out of the festive season.

Practical tips

• Spread out your diary – it is OK to hold events in January

• Prepare and plan in advance how your time is going to be shared

• Organise, prioritise and set achievable goals

• Set yourself a budget before Christmas shopping

• Share the load – allocate tasks and give other people responsibility

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. If you’re the Sellotape that holds the family Christmas together, then be sure to take that time out for yourself. You may just have to say no to your neighbours', friends', daughters’ music recital. But a walk in the fresh air, a soak in the bath or a yoga class may be a lot more beneficial.

For more details on the Google survey visit Ideal Home

To read more practical tips and good habits for self-care at The Priory



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